Creating a Successful Online Business can be frustrating as you create a new way to sell your product or service online. When you are starting a new business or improving the performance of an existing venture, most people look to their website or lack thereof. We use the term 'Online Business' to describe our website platform as it can be used to manage many business processes automatically allowing the business owner more time to focus on what makes their business great.
We want you to think of a website as a set of tools that allow you to communicate with your customers; storing customer information, tracking purchasing / invoicing and creating a first impression that gives your customers confidence in your brand and service.
What a web site cannot do is fix a bad business model.
Potential customers that visit us usually find this statement confusing, asking - "I thought you sold websites, what's my business plan got to do with you?"
Well, a great deal if your expectation of a new website is to create gaps in markets that don't exist or create hundreds of thousands of pounds of sales to make that 0.2% margin pay on the products you currently sell. Don't get us wrong we can build a website for you no problem, the question is what do you want your website to achieve?
If you are asking any of these kinds of questions then the answers will always be yes and when looking at your finished website you will be a very happy customer.
If your needs are shown in this second list you are looking for a website to improve your business model. The items in this second list are on every business owners wish list, unfortunately, no website can offer these kinds of solutions and beginning a project with these goals can only lead to disappointment. Your business should have a unique selling point and a hungry audience without a website to begin with. A websites job is to help scale your business, increase exposure, improve payment processing and manage business-to-customer communication. If your business model is sound then your website will help that model to grow.
When you consider a new/updated website you must think tactically, what design, layout, and features do my site require. All of these needs are easily achievable and our 'Online Business' platform is very capable of almost all new business requirements.
If you are still in the strategic stages of creating or revising your business plan/business model then a website will not help. Ultimately a website should be used to build on a solid business plan rather than fill the holes in a bad one.
If you're ready to start a successful online business our website design and build service can get you up and running in just a few weeks with a fully secure and functional web store.
Learn more about our website design service.